An Effective Test for COVID19 with ONE Simple Ingredient Every Household Has!

To date, there are no widespread tests available to help people determine whether or not the flu-like symptoms they have are COVID-19 or not.

Even medical and government-run facilities are sorely lacking in testing kits, and it can be difficult for someone feeling ill to get tested for the coronavirus.

But what if there was an easy way to test yourself, using only items you have at home? 

It sounds too good to be true—and thus far, it’s not yet a proven method backed by hard scientific evidence—but it does provide you with a fun, easy way to test whether or not you’re suffering from the coronavirus or just some run-of-the-mill flu virus. Best of all, it can be done from the comfort of your home!


One of the early symptoms of COVID-19, as reported by patients and doctors alike, is a loss of smell. Aside from the dry coughing, the scratchy feeling in the throat, the breathing difficulties, and other more common symptoms, a lot of COVID-19 patients reported a noticeable loss in their sense of smell.

A trio of scientists from Yale University, Le Moyne College, and Brown University came up with a unique way to test for COVID-19. Their test was intended to search for asymptomatic carriers, those who carry around the coronavirus but who aren’t showing any symptoms. It’s these carriers who are most likely to infect others, as they are going around unaware of the fact that they are carrying the disease because they aren’t seeing any signs of illness in themselves.

The interesting thing about these asymptomatic carriers is that they can lose their sense of smell over the course of a few days, or there is noticeable loss of smell. However, it will only be noticeable if they are looking for it.

The truth is that our sense of smell is highly delicate, and small incremental losses won’t be as noticeable as if you suddenly lost it from one day to the next. However, those who are paying attention will begin to see that certain smells will be less easily detected, and become barely noticeable over time.

To use the incremental smell loss caused by COVID-19, these three scientists came up with a simple yet surprisingly effective smell test to evaluate potential asymptomatic carriers. This test isn’t designed to be the ultimate COVID-19 detector test, but it’s a way for people showing few or no signs to know if they are potentially carrying the disease, and thus might be better off quarantining to avoid the spread.

The test is simple:

Step 1: Open a jar of peanut butter and give it a good whiff. Peanut butter, unlike many other odors, only stimulates our olfactory nerves, and not the trigeminal nerve that controls sensations such as “tickle” or “pain”, which plays a role in our ability to smell. Smelling peanut butter establishes the baseline for the smells your olfactory nerves register.

Step 2: Smell vinegar, or something else strong, like ground coffee. Vinegar is ideal for the test because of its strength, but coffee works, too. Basically, you want something potent enough to stimulate both the olfactory and trigeminal nerve.

Step 3: Smell the peanut butter again. You’ll know what the peanut butter smells like from Step 1, as well as how strongly you should be smelling it. But if after the vinegar/coffee sniff you’re having a hard time detecting the peanut butter, it could be a sign of smell loss in your olfactory nerve. 

Repeat this test two times a day for the next 3-5 days, and pay attention to how much harder it becomes to smell the peanut butter.

If you can always smell the peanut butter, you’ve got nothing to worry about—there’s no illness affecting your sense of smell!

But if you notice that it gets harder and harder to smell the peanut butter, it could very well be that your olfactory senses are being diminished by COVID-19. There will be noticeable and progressive smell loss that results from the virus’ affecting your olfactory nerves.

There’s one huge caveat to this: there are A LOT of problems that can affect your sense of smell. COVID-19 is obviously the big one at the moment, but there are also regular flu, allergies, or common colds.

As we stated above, this is not a fully researched process. The authors of the research are waiting for academic funding to go through the formal process of research and testing. Until it is peer-reviewed and published in a medical journal, it’s not exactly “accepted science”.

However, it’s a test worth trying if you’re worried that you might have a viral infection—either the regular flu or COVID-19. Knowing that the virus affects and decreases your sense of smell means you have a chance of figuring out whether you’re infected or you just have a common head cold.